military adj. 1.(opp. civil) 军人的,军队的。 2.陆军的。 3.军事的,军用的。 4.好战的,战斗性的。 5.〔军俚〕不好的,讨厌的。 a military academy [institute, school] 陆军军官学校;军事学院。 a military adviser 军事顾问。 a military aeronautical school 军事航空学校。 a military aeroplane 军用机。 military affairs 军事,军务。 military age 兵役年龄。 military arts 军事艺术。 a military band 军乐队。 military circles 军界。 a military commentator 军事评论家。 a military correspondent 随军记者。 military courtesy 陆军礼节,军礼。 military discipline 军纪。 military drill 军事训练。 military expenditures [expenses] 军费。 military fever 伤寒症。 military history 战史。 a military hospital 陆军医院。 military intelligence 军事情报;军事情报工作[部门]。 military law 军法。 a military man 军人。 military operation 作战;军事行动。 military organization 军制,陆军编制。 military pits 散兵坑。 the military police 宪兵(队)。 military prestige 武威。 military regulations 军事法规。 a military review 阅兵式。 military science 军事科学。 military secrets 军事机密。 military service 兵役。 military merits 军功,武功。 military stores 军需品。 the military top (兵舰的)战斗桅楼。 military training 军事训练。 n. 〔集合词〕军队;军人;〔the military〕军方。 call in the military 借军队的力量。 military-industrial complex 军工联合体〔军事权力机构与军事物资工业的联合,被认为是操纵美国经济与对外路线的强大势力集团〕。 adv. -tarily 在军事上,从军事角度。
Penkovsky handed over literally thousands of documents dealing with the most sensitive soviet military systems . 潘科夫斯基提供了差不多几千份有关苏联军事系统的最机密的文件。
The military system in medieval england 中世纪英国的军事强买权
Changes in military system and the social changes in tang and song dynasty 唐宋兵制变化与唐宋社会变化
Comparing the military system between spring and autumn period and warring states period 春秋和战国军事对比略谈
Application of data mining in hall for workshop of meta synthesis of space military systems 空间军事系统综合集成研讨厅中数据挖掘应用
The enlightenment of qi state ' s military system on china ' s construction of reserve duty army 春秋齐国军事体制对我国预备役部队建设之启示
This has to be a mistake . as of 1 1 00 hours , all primary military systems were secure 这一定是搞错了十一点时,所有重要的军用系统还都是安全的
Review of achievements in the 15th annual meeting of the military systems engineering special committee 军事系统工程专业委员会第十五届学术年会研究成果述评
Though zhongshan is a medium state in the warring states period , it could existed among big states , which has close relation to its military system 摘要战国时期,中山作为一中等国家能纵横于各大国之间,这与它拥有较为完善的军事制度密不可分。
Most of the power amplifiers using in the military systems today are importations and the army needs the homemade linear power amplifiers urgently 目前,相关军用设备所用高功率线性功放基本上为国外进口,受国外制约严重,迫切需要解决其国产化问题。